Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Biographical Wearable Sculpture

The instant this project was assigned I knew I wanted to make something out of film negatives. Taking photos is something that is largely apart of who I am and I thought it would be a perfect medium for a biographical sculpture. This project went through many phases for me. I did not initially realize how limited I would be with the amount of film I had. At first I wanted to make a skirt, but soon realized I had no where near enough negatives. Then I wanted to make a collar but then ran into the same problem again, as well as problems with the construction of a dress without access to a sewing machine. I decided to make a hat out of it instead and am pretty pleased with the results. The hat reminds me of an avant garde version of those hats women wear to horse races. I made the volume within the piece by simply folding over the negatives and glueing them. I then added a piece for the head made out of burlap.

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